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Miranda Dulin

Miranda Dulin

Scrum Master

Miranda has a great desire to learn and continuously improve. She is exceptionally talented in searching for reasons and causes and adept at dealing with problems. Input|Restorative|Learner|Intellection|Analytical


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5 Scrum Values: Create a Culture of Excellence
Agile Approaches
5 Scrum Values: Create a Culture of Excellence
Implementing Scrum without the 5 Scrum values is like cooking a gourmet meal with expired…
Miranda Dulin
Miranda Dulin
April 07, 2023
7 min
Don't Let Async Standup Kill Team Effectiveness
Agile Mindset
Don't Let Async Standup Kill Team Effectiveness
The daily standup will either be the pulse that keeps team effectiveness alive or a nail in its…
The 360 Degree Leader: Spur Your Influence
The 360 Degree Leader: Spur Your Influence
This book clarified my understanding of what makes for influential leaders. I believe its wisdom and…
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